Introducing Ruby

I've been out of blogging action for a few weeks, and if you follow me on Instagram you will know this is due to a new little person in my life who takes up most of my waking hours and doesn't tend to let me have many sleeping ones! 

Meet Ruby Elisabeth Rowland!

She was born on the 14th July, and unfortunately we had a little bit of rough time - I won't give you my full birth story - but basically she was delivered by forceps, then I was taken to theatre to have my placenta removed as it was stuck and then I lost loads of blood so had to have transfusions. We spent a week in hospital and Ruby and I were both on antibiotics so it wasn't much fun, but 6 weeks on and I'm fully recovered and now just suffering with the usual new parent symptom of sleep depravation! 

Despite all of that, it has been the most amazing 6 weeks getting to know her, watching her grow and develop, and getting used to being a mum! I'm so excited for the years ahead spent with this lovely little person.

You might also notice something new around here... my brand new website and blog! After I accidentally deleted lots of my images from my blogspot blog, I decided it was time for a fresh start and have moved over to the Square Space platform. I've brought the blog and my main website together and have went for a much cleaner and more simplistic look. I've been trying to declutter my home lately to make room for Ruby so I thought I would also declutter my online space too! I'd love to hear what you think and if there's anything you think could be better.

I'm currently adding archival content to the blog - not everything - just my favourite posts and those that have proved popular and I hope to get back to regular blogging as soon as I can, although there are so many things that take priority - Ruby of course, and also getting the next issues of 91 Magazine ready! I have some other exciting projects on the horizon so look out for news on those here soon! 
